In Flight USA features Ad Astra Media, CEO Dr. Jose Morey Interviewed

Ad Astra Media

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Aug 23 Written By Editor

Latinos currently make up only 12% of all STEM graduates - this is lower than the average for all college graduates pursuing a STEM degree in 2018. Ad Astra Media LLC is a Latino-owned STEAM Media, Education, and Entertainment company working towards providing role models and educational content for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math to underrepresented communities and minority groups. The founder, Dr. Jose Morey is also known as the first intergalactic doctor.

To tackle the issue, Ad Astra Media first began by addressing the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. They address no poverty, quality education, gender equality, decent work, economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and reduced inequalities.

“Ad Astra Media is composed of individuals with experience at all levels of media (T.V. and commercial) production and extends into both traditional television (Spanish and English networks) and into leading streaming services and film studios.” They are a unique company because they use a variety of high tech and low tech to target clients from all socioeconomic statuses. They have created content in virtual reality, augmented reality, SMS technology, and all cutting-edge content production technologies.

They are currently partnered with several organizations in creating bilingual educational content through entertainment. Their partners play an essential role in helping share S.T.E.A.M. education to minority communities worldwide. Some of their partners include LionForge and Oscar Williams to develop new engaging and educational STEM content. As a company dedicated to “Comics for Everyone,” Ad Astra Media hopes to publish titles that reflect the diversity of the world in the characters, the creators, and the Lion Forge team. The PAST Foundation and Ad Astra Media are also closely working together on a 2021 summer camp for students which is focused on S.T.E.A.M. activities- hoping to reach 200 students. This involves solving a problem posed by the educator, while participants work together to solve it. Currently, the PAST Foundation has worked with over 300,000 students and more than 16,000 educators through their outreach projects and Ad Astra Media is excited to join their network! Ad Astra Media and Latinx Pop Culture Lab are also joining forces. Similar to Ad Astra Media, LatinX Pop Culture Lab believes comics have the potential to make an impact on society. In their latest LASER project, they reached over 500 students by 2018. Ad Astra Media is excited to work with an organization who have a similar mission!

Using Dr. Intergalactic to send a message in the STEM field, they have partnered with Warn Everyone! Comics to create the Intergalactic academy. The plot of the story is a class of diverse students that attend a prestigious intergalactic S.T.E.A.M school. Following their headmaster Dr.Intergalactic and his associates, these students are the first five students from earth each bearing knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Their digital comic reaches about 4,000 viewers on Webtoons and hundreds on Instagram per week and has started to gain popularity in teens ages 13-17.

Ad Astra media has also published a multilingual series of STEAM Children's books: for example, Good Night Little Doctor, Good Night Little Astronaut, and Good Night Little Astronomer were created to inspire young children into fields of STEM. Along with their book series, Ad Astra Media is also in collaboration with Alliance For Innovation & has completed a project, Chopin in Space the Children’s Initiative Project, that produced a short film based on people's reactions after watching Chopin The Space Movie.

To stay updated on Ad Astra Media’s upcoming projects and content, check out their website.

And be sure to follow them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin!

Jose Morey